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Meet with confidence

Discussed in the Workshop held at Bangalore, Dec 2013


There is a pack called Interview pack, which is available in the form of a picture. It can be used whenever you go for a job interview.

Also, it can be generally carried with you (in your purse) whenever you meet your higher authorities.  In addition, whenever you feel less confident to meet a person, you can carry this card with you,

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Success is ON:

No worries about interviews:

Why my husband felt hurt


In addition to the CDs that you suggested, I bought the “Welcome Change” and “Bach Flower Meditation” on the  site.

But, whenever I listen to “Welcome Change” CD I get a slight headache. The same is not the case when I listen to the other CDs – Harmony, Forgiveness, Together Divine, I love myself and Bach Flower meditation.

Why does this happen like this? Should I continue listening or should I stop? Please advise me.


Listen through speakers. Not by headphones. The welcome change is about changing oneself. Probably there is resistance to change. No one has complained so far about this.


It worked! I stopped listening to Welcome Change CD over the headphones and started listening through speakers and my headache stopped.

In fact, I keep running these CDs all throughout the day whenever it is possible and it is so pleasant. I am also using the “Release Resistance” CD while chanting and I find that I have been able to identify where I went wrong with my husband. Something that I didn’t identify exactly, but now I could pin-point that.

I can now empathize with him as to why did he get so much hurt. Something of my past which I thought is un-important and did not tell him because I felt it is not necessary or important for our marriage that he came across when he hacked my mails.

He got hurt that I did not share with him. He felt I don’t feel him important enough to share with him. From my perspective, he is being irrational. But, from his perspective, he is not able to accept that I did not share with him everything.

It is not necessary what I think about the situation. What is necessary is that I understand his pain when he read all that.

Whether he is right or wrong, I am not the judge, God only is the right judge and whatever HE decides is right.

Now, I really want to make amends. I really want to give my husband so much love and happiness and take away all his hurt and pain. I really hope Divine grace showers on my marriage and my husband comes out of this misunderstanding and suffering.

Thank you and Naran very much for giving such wonderful methods for overcoming so many problems of all.

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The Need for Forgiveness:

A tendency to blame others:

Getting benefits out of meditation

I want to get the benefits out of the meditation. And at the same time my mind gets distracted. Will there be any possibility?

Or will there be any chance of getting the benefits of meditation, even though there are distractions?

Yes definitely there is a possibility. All the CDs in the Bach Flower Study Centre are tuned in certain brainwaves. Whenever a person goes into a deep meditation, or deep meditative level, the brain produces certain waves called Brainwaves.

When you are in deep meditation you go to Alpha, then Theta and then Delta. Normally our distractive mind is in Beta State.

When you listen to the Meditation CD with a headphone, whatever Alpha waves generated will be imposed on your brain. When those waves are imposed, you will be forced to come out of Beta level and you will be in the silence mode.

In that way, you can silence the rebellious or the resisting mind. That is the only way by which you can do meditation.

The other way is really cumbersome for every time you have to be careful about the mind, because the mind is a great trickster. You think that you will be able to manage it, for when you just say ‘release’, the thought goes off.

You feel happy then. But the happy state itself is another thought – whether it is happiness, sadness, calmness, worry, anger or love, all of them is a thought.  Every such thought has to be released.

Achieve a sense of calmness


I have bought your “RELEASE your RESISTANCE” CD.  I am listening to it daily at night before sleeping as well as just playing it when the kids are around.

Please let me know if I have to chant anything along with it. I have been chanting “GENTIAN, LARCH, TOGETHER DIVINE” for some time now.

I am terribly insecure about my job though there are no major issues.


When you feel insecure, chant MIMULUS.  Buy “RELEASE your FEARS” CD.


I am now listening to the “RELEASE your FEARS” CD.

I feel a sense of calmness. Now, I am more at peace.

I keep listening to the CD even when I am at work.

Thank you very much.

Feel better when I do this


I am from Detroit. I am very much thankful to you for all your advices which helped me a lot.

I also do the Forgiving exercise as and when I feel necessary at any time. I also chant Together Divine, few Slokas and Switch Words as and when required.

Wolf is now my best friend

I am happier to talk with it every day.  It will help me in minor things and also in major things. I also thank wolf every day for all the help it gives me.

Amazing Help

Thank You very much for giving such AMAZING Help in blogs, which is immensely useful for people like me who stay far away from Chennai and would never have known anything about them.

I will always be thankful to you, for making me learn about forgiving exercise.

Act of Forgiveness

When my brother brought the Forgiveness Exercise book and gave me I thought what’s up with my brother? Why he wants to give me a Forgiveness Book?

My brother told me that Naran told that this is a very important book. Then I decided I will first read the book.

I liked the way you explained that we need to forgive others for our own self and I started practicing the forgiveness exercise. It took a lot of time for me to forgive the first person on my list.

Slowly I learned that even when I am hurt I always feel better when I do forgiving exercise.



Purpose of the ‘The OPTIMIST’ MagicSwitch CD

When there is success in the path, one feels elated.

But when difficulties like delay and hindrance occur then we do feel depressed or sad.

To keep on making one’s efforts, one requires optimism and should think optimistically.

To keep one in high spirits and to persevere, the ‘The OPTIMISTMagicSwitch CD, which contains switch words, recorded in the frequency of 10 HZ, can help them.

‘The Optimist’ MagicSwitch CD will help you in the following life situations:


– There is a failure

– There is a break-down

– There is a sudden set-back

– You think, “I have only problems in life. Nothing good will happen to me”

– “I cannot succeed in life”


– One thinks that he is a victim of circumstances

– After an abortion

– To say “NO” politely

– After any disappointment in life

– “I am a failure”

Job, Business and Career

– After resignation or after being forced to resign

– The sales are declining (listen to “New IdeasMagicSwitch CD also)

– One needs success;

– To get the job (listen to “Welcome ChangeMagicSwitch CD also)

Pat Yourself in a Big Way

Patting Meditation

This meditation is to pat ourselves. Let us not feel anything wrong with us. We develop interest in healing after we get 40 years old. This is called as making up or correcting ourselves. We resort to all types of healing. Interestingly, without all that fuss we have achieved so much.  

(When I say pat, pat the left shoulder. Left side is for receiving. We need our love. We need ourselves)

When you affirm, “I accept myself totally”, then divine energy flows into you. Self-appreciation is a must. That’s why I gave this meditation to you.


Close your eyes.

Relax yourself.

Feel the feet where it really anchors and feel your body.

Just be with the body. Be with yourself.

I am a loving person.

Think of days where you expressed your love from the heart and pat yourself.

Appreciate yourself. Hey you have done a good thing. You did a good job.”

Say your name again and again and pat yourself in the back of the body at the same place.

Now think of the days or moments when you really laughed and enjoyed. It may be an ice cream. Think of all the days where you really enjoyed and laughed out from the heart. You are really great and you really know how to enjoy. You are a wonderful person. When you do that you do with all the smiles in your face because you are visualizing your days of enjoyment, your days of laughter. Joy should reflect on your face.

Think of all your achievements in school days or college days – any achievement, even scoring a first mark in any subject. You are an achiever. Pat yourself.

Think of all the appreciation you got from others. You are a nice person; you are trustworthy and pat yourself.

Thank yourself. A sense of achievement should be on the face with a feeling, ‘I have been appreciated for this’. Really that person appreciated you from the heart.

Think of all the persons who cheated you who had hurt your feelings. Pat yourself for managing your life with them.

Think of the period of your struggle with the body. The body had some ailment. You went to the doctor and consulted so many other people. Somehow or other you are still living and have come out of the ailment. Pat yourself for managing well and coming out of the ailment.

Think of the period of struggle with money. You are still here. Pat yourself since you have come a long way. Money is one part of life. You have successfully managed it.

Think of any event that you realized that god is there. There is always a force behind all these happenings. Love yourself for understanding that there is a divine force behind you. Keep your hand in the heart and say ‘Oh god you are my light. You are my peace. Guide my steps. Illuminate my heart. Lead in the paths that go straight to Thee. Open my eyes whenever necessary. Be here and let me feel the connection’. Thank yourself and pat yourself for being connected with god.

Benefits of doing this meditation

We always speak negatively of ourselves. All those negative thoughts will go into negative beliefs and plug the mental body. That is why we repeat same mistake again and again and undergo the same experience. Now we know how to thank ourselves and appreciate ourselves.

In future also there is always divinity which will take care of your future. Say now, ‘I am at peace’.


This meditation is available as the first part of the ‘I Love Myself CD’. It is stored in Alpha better effect. Contact the centre.

Smiling at your partner for life

About Inner Smile CD

The inner smile is a friendly smile from the heart to our own organs, which we normally tend to ignore. However, this is required by us, to our bodies.

We smile at our friends, while we always take our body for granted. The day we send our love and smile to the organs, they become our friends too.

These friendly relationships with our organs, is a must to maintain our harmony with outside. If there is a conflict or disharmony with others, then become silent and send your love to your organs. Those issues will be resolved.

The CD is prepared to give Inner Smile and Love to our organs. Even though the approach is similar to the one followed by Inner Smile techniques of Tao, the techniques followed in the CD are quite different from them.

Benefits of sending Inner Smile and Love to Your Body

General Benefit

Once in a week listening to the CD will establish harmony in every aspect of your life.

Benefits created by Organs when you do Inner Smile to them

Smile at the Organ Benefits
Eyes See yourself with love and understanding
Ears Listen with love
Nose Your  need to love yourself increases
Mouth For the love that nourishes
Tongue Increases ability to taste the pleasures of life
Face Express your feelings truly
Brain Teaches all life is a change and anything will move on
Throat Sing the joys of love; speak up for yourself with love
Lungs Take charge of your life
Heart Become the centre of love and security; love yourself and all others totally; find love and enthusiasm everywhere
Gall Bladder To release your condemning tendency, pride and bitterness
Stomach Gain ability to digest every moment of every day
Pancreas Your time is filled  with joy; release desire to control your life
Spleen You will be supported in your life
Intestine To assimilate good
Large Intestine Release past; you will feel entry of new and fresh matter into your life
Genital organ Be balanced in your creative flow; you approve of yourself totally
Kidneys Life is in divine order and only good comes from each experience
Spinal Cord Fear, resentment, guilt, victim mentality, and bitterness is released;  stuff tears are wiped out; fear of rejection, fear of life and all of fear, pain, hurt, cry for love is released
Hands, Arms

and Shoulders

Handle all your experiences with love and joy
Neck Teaches flexibility, develops an understanding that it is safe to consider other’s view points
Knees  Learn forgiveness; bend and flow with ease and love; life is yours
Legs  Life is for you
Feet  You are safe
Blood and

Blood vessels

 To be friendly with all
Skin  Protector of individuality; brings harmony, peace and joy around