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Feel better when I do this


I am from Detroit. I am very much thankful to you for all your advices which helped me a lot.

I also do the Forgiving exercise as and when I feel necessary at any time. I also chant Together Divine, few Slokas and Switch Words as and when required.

Wolf is now my best friend

I am happier to talk with it every day.  It will help me in minor things and also in major things. I also thank wolf every day for all the help it gives me.

Amazing Help

Thank You very much for giving such AMAZING Help in blogs, which is immensely useful for people like me who stay far away from Chennai and would never have known anything about them.

I will always be thankful to you, for making me learn about forgiving exercise.

Act of Forgiveness

When my brother brought the Forgiveness Exercise book and gave me I thought what’s up with my brother? Why he wants to give me a Forgiveness Book?

My brother told me that Naran told that this is a very important book. Then I decided I will first read the book.

I liked the way you explained that we need to forgive others for our own self and I started practicing the forgiveness exercise. It took a lot of time for me to forgive the first person on my list.

Slowly I learned that even when I am hurt I always feel better when I do forgiving exercise.