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Purpose of the ‘The OPTIMIST’ MagicSwitch CD

When there is success in the path, one feels elated.

But when difficulties like delay and hindrance occur then we do feel depressed or sad.

To keep on making one’s efforts, one requires optimism and should think optimistically.

To keep one in high spirits and to persevere, the ‘The OPTIMISTMagicSwitch CD, which contains switch words, recorded in the frequency of 10 HZ, can help them.

‘The Optimist’ MagicSwitch CD will help you in the following life situations:


– There is a failure

– There is a break-down

– There is a sudden set-back

– You think, “I have only problems in life. Nothing good will happen to me”

– “I cannot succeed in life”


– One thinks that he is a victim of circumstances

– After an abortion

– To say “NO” politely

– After any disappointment in life

– “I am a failure”

Job, Business and Career

– After resignation or after being forced to resign

– The sales are declining (listen to “New IdeasMagicSwitch CD also)

– One needs success;

– To get the job (listen to “Welcome ChangeMagicSwitch CD also)