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Achieve a sense of calmness


I have bought your “RELEASE your RESISTANCE” CD.  I am listening to it daily at night before sleeping as well as just playing it when the kids are around.

Please let me know if I have to chant anything along with it. I have been chanting “GENTIAN, LARCH, TOGETHER DIVINE” for some time now.

I am terribly insecure about my job though there are no major issues.


When you feel insecure, chant MIMULUS.  Buy “RELEASE your FEARS” CD.


I am now listening to the “RELEASE your FEARS” CD.

I feel a sense of calmness. Now, I am more at peace.

I keep listening to the CD even when I am at work.

Thank you very much.

Feel better when I do this


I am from Detroit. I am very much thankful to you for all your advices which helped me a lot.

I also do the Forgiving exercise as and when I feel necessary at any time. I also chant Together Divine, few Slokas and Switch Words as and when required.

Wolf is now my best friend

I am happier to talk with it every day.  It will help me in minor things and also in major things. I also thank wolf every day for all the help it gives me.

Amazing Help

Thank You very much for giving such AMAZING Help in blogs, which is immensely useful for people like me who stay far away from Chennai and would never have known anything about them.

I will always be thankful to you, for making me learn about forgiving exercise.

Act of Forgiveness

When my brother brought the Forgiveness Exercise book and gave me I thought what’s up with my brother? Why he wants to give me a Forgiveness Book?

My brother told me that Naran told that this is a very important book. Then I decided I will first read the book.

I liked the way you explained that we need to forgive others for our own self and I started practicing the forgiveness exercise. It took a lot of time for me to forgive the first person on my list.

Slowly I learned that even when I am hurt I always feel better when I do forgiving exercise.

Remove my fears please…

Afraid of rash drivers


I get afraid whenever I drive my scooter in the main road. I am scared and tend to panic, when I come across. Sometimes, out of fear I stop my bike in the middle of the road.


Take two pills of ROCK ROSE for three months, once a day, before you start for the office.

Worried about my daughter’s safety


Until my daughter return from school, I keep biting my nails.


Chant RED CHESTNUT, while biting your nails. She will return safe. You will stop worrying and stop biting your nails.

Scared of doctors


However much my mind reasons out, the moment I go to a dentist, my body stiffens out,


Take pills of Mimulus and Rescue Remedy before visiting the dentist.


Day is nice, but night is a horror. A night doesn’t passes with me getting a nightmare.


Take Aspen pills before going to sleep in the night. You are sure to have nightmare-less sleep.

In the ‘RULE your MIND’ class


70% of you say the one pre-dominant emotion you have in your life is fear.

How to handle the fears?

Is there is a simple way to remove those fears?


I have created a CD with switch words recorded in subliminal mode along with frequencies of the four Bach flower remedies – Aspen, Red Chestnut, Mimulus and Rock Rose.

It is called as ‘RELEASE your FEARS’ cd.

Please check out the link to buy the CD online or from the center:

Magic Switch Words

Why I need to listen to these MagicSwitch CD series?

How many times you can chant in a day? Say 1000 times or 2000 times, while doing all your household work or office work.

Also, can you remember to do it throughout the day, day and out? Not possible for ordinary souls like us. It’s mentally tiring and boring too.

No problem for me. I can do it as I am a die-hard.

But, how long you would like to do as one problem goes from life, another problem follows us?

May be, you think you can store the switch words in your mobile and listen to it the whole day – ignoring TV and other entertainment that you may seek normally. Yet it is not efficient.

Also, in this fast-paced world we need a quick fix, a simple approach which doesn’t take time and quite effective in terms of time taken.

Is there is a simple technique available?

Yes there is a technique that needs shorter duration. It is effective as well as efficient.

What I need to do?

You just have to listen to the MagicSwitch CDs from Naran. He has picked ten of the most powerful combination of switch words and has recorded them in Alpha frequency.

How much time it takes to listen to a MagicSwitch CD?

It takes up about 30 minutes.

During this time your sub-conscious mind would have listened to the switch words combination for 25,000 times.

It has a nice background music that will keep you in a relaxing mode.

You can either put your head phones on or play it loudly for others to listen – especially when you want your kith and kin to be benefitted.

Why it is effective?

Because you are listening to Magic Switch Word Combination recorded in Alpha state, your conscious mind relaxes and thus you are killing two birds in one stone – relaxation plus programming your subconscious mind. Therefore, the words reach your sub-conscious mind directly and have a greater impact on it.

Still I don’t understand how can I listen to the switch words 25000 times within half-an-hour

The same combination is played one after another multiple times, such that at the same time you will be listening to the Magic Switch Words combination multiple times. So it is efficient to listen to them this way instead of you saying the words monotonously.

The Music and switch words are tuned to keep one in alpha state so that switch words produce better results. 

A little more explanation on the brain wave frequencies please…

Every mental state, whether it is positive or unwanted, keeps the brain in a particular frequency.

Depending on the number of cycles per second, each frequency is classified as beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma.

If there is a frequency for worry, there will be another frequency for calmness and relaxation.

Each MagicSwitch CD as per the title keeps your mind in that frequency, while listening to it.

The required frequency is achieved by binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones.

Each and every title (MagicSwitch CD) has a background music blended with isochronic tones and combined with switch words.

Resolve your financial issues

Mr. ER

I had been trying many ways to increase my finances and increase higher and continuous inflow of money into my life. My ambition and dream is to have financial freedom.

Recently I came to know about switch words. Do switch words work 100%? Actually, I am writing this mail to you mainly for the ‘Abundance’ CD that will work on the subconscious mind to attract more money into my life.


I will ship the CD. Switch words will work 100%.

Tell me what you are doing. Is there any problem with earning? Why do you want to have more money? What will be your state of mind if you don’t amass wealth?  What feelings and thoughts that will come to you then? What will you do with the money?

Mr. ER

You asked me why I want money. It’s like you asked me why I want food and clothes.

I come from a middle-class background where our life is always decided by lack of money. We have to think 20 times to spend 10 rupees. Almost all the problems in my life and my bitterest experiences were due to money.

I don’t like my work either. But have to do for money. I don’t like the place. I don’t like my present life. Life is full of compromises. I don’t have financial freedom. I want a life of my own.

My father says ‘to come up in life, we have to work very hard.’ If that is true, a labour person works very hard but hardly gets even food. As Deepak Chopra says the shortest way to get anything is correct not the hard way.

So I turned to spirituality to raise my standard. Not only my financial development, but my spiritual and all-round development is dependent on money. I feel switch words are a gift to me from the universe for my years of quest to change my life. Please help me with effective ways to manifest money along with switch words.



Release all your aversion to the present state. Any state we have to accept and overgrow it.

“I don’t like my work. I don’t like the place. I don’t like my present life. Life is full of compromises. I don’t have financial freedom. I want a life of my own” – if these thoughts occupy the mind, money will not come. Money will flow in when you willingly accept the situation. Any situation is designed by God.

Start liking the job. If you do it with aversion, and don’t contribute your work with full heart, you are stopping your growth. Daily thank the company who gave you the employment. Thank all the people in the office. Start liking the place. Compromises are there in everybody’s life. They are made to move forward in life and not to get stagnated.


I will also send you the CD entitled “I Love Myself” also, in addition to the Abundance CD.

Best of luck


Handle resentment and aversion: WILLOW, Bach Flower Remedy

Release our resistance to growth, abundance and success: RELEASE RESISTANCE, switch word

Find money: FIND COUNT DIVINE, switch words

“I LOVE MYSELF” CD is a subliminal CD to help you love self, relationships, career and life in general and “ABUNDANCE” CD helps you to accumulate wealth with happiness.

How to chant for others

Mentally visualize them and chant

Keep the person in your mind, make an intention you are doing the chanting for that person and go on chant the switch words, mantras and remedies prescribed.

Energize the water

Take a glass of water. For 100 times chant the switch words, mantras and remedies prescribed, holding a glass of water.  The water will be energized with the remedies. Now, drink it or give it to the person who needs healing.

Let them receive the energy of your chanting

Write the name of the person in a piece of paper. Keep it in the left hand. Place your right hand on the left hand and chant the required switch words, remedy names or mantras.

Variation of the above method

Mentally keep the person in your left palm. Keep the right palm about 18 to 20 away from the left hand. Go on chanting the switch words, mantras and names of the remedies. Bring the right hand slowly steadily towards the right hand and finally when it touches the left palm, end the chanting. Thank the person and say, “please go back to your place”. Thank the switch words etc too.