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Reiki and Five Elements CD

Purpose of the CD

  • To derive the benefits of practising Mind-Body-Life-Demystified technique or as otherwise called as Mind-Organ-Healing – in a simple package
  • To heal the body, mind and life in one stroke using Tao Mantras, Switch Words, Affirmations and Color Healing

About the CD

This is a guided meditation CD employing Reiki Golden Light Meditation. This audio recording helps you to receive Reiki or universal energy directly through your channels.

The mantras presented here are from Tao. They directly open up the corresponding energy channels of the body, aligning them to the flow of Universal Prana – enabling us to directly get the required life-force that we don’t access.

Each and every mantra given here has a deeper meaning – repeating of which, helps us to resonate us with nature. It also contains switch words that are more appropriate for taking care of our body and organs.

Colors are employed to heal and tone-up the organs.

Questions are asked to the sub-conscious mind, so that it finds answers to fix the problems in your life.

It also contains affirmations, to heal Key Aspects of your life.

Benefits of listening to the CD

When you listen to the CD, every organ is energized with the required life-force. All your elements are balanced and in turn, your organs will get healthier.

Your cells will get energized. The systems and processes of your body are healed.

They will change your mind – remove your fears and giving courage for example. Thus, the mantras will prove to be life-changers too.


The mantras are combined with guided meditation and recorded in theta frequency. Either you can sit in a relaxed fashion or lie down. You need to listen with headphones.

On a daily basis, you can listen to it once a day. It runs for 23 minutes. This will improve your general well-being and tone-up all your major and minor organs.

When you are not feeling well, listen to it at least twice a day – once in the morning and once before going to sleep (you will sleep well).

You can continue to listen with other CDs. It has no side-effect in any way, whatsoever.


Do I need to know Reiki? I am getting this doubt because you have named your CD like that.

No. You don’t need to know Reiki. When you listen to the CD, you will gain Reiki energy or Universal Energy.

Can I charge the water with the CD and give it to others?

Yes and no. You can charge it, but it will not be as effective as listening to the CD with headphones.

Alternatively, chant the mantras over a glass of water and give it to the concerned person.

Do I need to know the basis of this theory – I mean do I need to attend the class, to listen to the CD?

No. You can listen to the CD without knowing the how and why Tao Mantras work. That is the main purpose of creating the CD.

Even if you don’t know English, it will work. Anyway, the mantras are in Chinese.

Forgiveness CD Instructions and Benefits


Learn to forgive today with this CD, which contains the frequency signature of Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW, a flower to open our heart to gratitude and the frequency signature of Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT to break the pattern of resentment.

Why we need to forgive?

Harboring resentment is doing more harm to us than the offender. By forgiving we become calmer and confident.


It is a multi track CD and it also contains the switch words for forgiveness. The Switch Words selected are REVERSE BOW TINY CONCEDE. When this command reaches your subconscious mind, the internal change will start happening not only in you but also in opposite persons.

Subliminal affirmations are repeated more than 10000 times. The affirmation contains, “I release the need to blame anyone including myself. Everyone is doing his best, thinking what he thinks is right. All my relationships are loving harmonious”.

One more audio track contains brain wave frequencies which open your heart and quite your mind from resistance, if any.


  •          Listen to the CD with your headphones.
  •          Don’t drive, or do any heavy work.
  •          You may lie down or sit
  •          Listen to the CD at least once a week and every time you need to forgive somebody. For long-standing issues with your spouse or family members, listen to it on a regular basis.

Relax and listen to this CD without any expectation. This listening is a tool and you have to make the internal change by getting released from survival emotions.

Listen and live blame-free.

Best of luck


The most important sacred word

Together Divine CD


The most sacred word in English is TOGETHER. This Word unites the outer world and inner world. Together is the sacred switch word that brings all parts – all differing and conflicting parts – of the mind TOGETHER.

The separated self which is the seat of all our emotions is dissolved and united with the original self, which is always free and joyful.

By listening to the CD which takes you through alpha, theta and delta brain waves with the word “TOGETHER TOGETHER TOGETHER TOGETHER DIVINE”, one finds freedom, wisdom, happiness, harmony, and safety within oneself, so that there is harmony and happiness outside.


  •  Listen to the CD with your headphones.
  • Don’t do any work while listening
  • Preferably do it before going to sleep, as you will tend to fall to sleep

42-day Programme

Listening to the CD for a period of 42 days gives you a healthy mind and a healthy body, and brings happiness towards you.

The seeker becomes the sought and finds total peace, satisfaction, love, affection and much more.

Together Divine is a two-word formula that brings perfect geometry and order in everybody’s life.

Let our life be whole and complete with this two-word mantra, TOGETHER DIVINE.

Inner Smile Brings an Outer Smile

We normally ignore our organs. We always take the body for granted. The day when we send our love, our smile to the organs, they become our friends. A friendly relationship with our organs is a must to maintain our harmony outside. If there is conflict or disharmony in others, become silent and send your love to your organs. A weekly listening of the CD will establish harmony in every aspect of our life.

– From the introduction of Inner Smile CD

Her boss was rude about her report

Anjali’s boss was not a typical boss. However, for some reason he couldn’t accept the annual report she prepared for the board of directors. He was critical of her report by all means, even though she felt she had done a great job.

Anjali approached me to find a solution to her problem, as she felt she can’t make any more improvement. From my work with her, I knew she didn’t give due care to her body. So I didn’t prescribe her any remedies. I just asked her to listen to the CD for twice a day, for a week and then on a regular basis for once a week.

She listened to it, as per my instructions. After a couple of days, her boss approached her and told her that he was over-cautious as the report is for the board of directors. He apologized for his over-reaction and suggested that it would be enough if only a couple of minor changes are made to the report. Anjali made the changes, which she felt was quite acceptable and easy to make.

Moral of the story

When you show love to your body, others will show love to you and your work.

Naran’s Tao Healing with Sword Fingers DVD

To heal self as well as others… it is on sale now. The contents of the DVD are:

The live video taken during the Tao Healing with Sword Fingers Workshop conducted on Sep 24th, 2011. Please click the link to know the contents of the workshop:

You need not have attended the workshop nor do you need any personal guidance to do exercises demonstrated in the DVD. It is self-explanatory.

Instructions and demonstration were given by Naran himself. He shows how to use Tao Healing with Sword Fingers to heal self as well as others.

You can learn the healing steps by following the workshop in the DVD.

Along with that, a manual will be provided, which lists out the healing steps involved in the Tao Healing with Sword Fingers.

The cost of the DVD is Rs. 300/-, excluding handling charges of Rs.100/- for delivery by courier. Or you could come to the centre and pick up your copy.

To order for the DVD, please click the link:

Love Thanks Divine

Instructions to Use Chakra Symbols or Pictures

Please note that each Chakra has a Yantra (picture or symbol) and a Mantra. The pictures are available at the centre.

How to use the pictures

Anyone or more of the following methods may be used:

1.       Look at the picture.

2.       Look at the picture and chant loudly or silently. (For Lum and Vum only)

3.       Meditate on the picture first with eyes open and then with eyes closed.

4.       Place a glass of water on the picture for 30 minutes and drink it or give it to the patient.

5.       Place in front of or next to the person who requires healing.

6.       Place the picture on a sheet of paper and draw a circle around it.  Leave a gap of an inch and draw another circle.  Write the name of the person who requires healing or place their photograph in the circle.  Draw an arrow from the first circle to the second with the arrow-head pointing to the 2nd circle.

7.       Colour photocopies of the picture can be given to persons who require healing.